
Joomla vs WordPress. Which CMS is better in 2020

Joomla vs WordPress. Which CMS is better in 2024?

Your website inherits its structure and functionalities based on the CMS (Content Management System) you choose. You can find many CMS nowadays, each with their pros and cons. 

While WordPress remains a popular choice, we realize that it is not the only CMS on the market. Joomla has long been its rival in the field. 

There are fanatical fan bases who hoot for their individual choice when it comes to Joomla vs. WordPress. However, we decided to give you a side-by-side comparison between these two. 

How To Change The Password of The WordPress Account

How To Change The Password of The WordPress Account?

How secure is your WordPress account? Are you sure your account won’t be broken into?  

You might want to change passwords from time to time to secure your WordPress account. You may even forget your password and need to reset it. Whatever the reason, knowing how to change your WordPress account’s password comes in handy in any situation.

WordPress provides many methods to change your account’s password. The easiest way is by using the ‘Lost Your Password?‘ link on the login page. However, if you don’t have access to the email account, or if it is not working properly, you need to follow a different method.

How To Unpublished WordPress Page and Post

How To Unpublish WordPress Page and Post?

Sometimes, you need to unpublish a WordPress page/post. The purpose can either be privacy, editing, or any other. Either way, it is essential to know how to unpublish a WordPress page/post properly. 

There are several methods to do that. This guide will talk about six easy methods on how to unpublish the WordPress page/post. The last one is the easiest. 

Customer Stories: Interview with Nicole Ellis

This interview is our initiative to get to know our users a little bit better. We want to hear your experiences with Blossom Themes. We want to share your stories with all our users.

If you have been using any of our free or premium themes for more than 3 months and want to share your story, please feel free to submit it here.

Today, we are sharing an interview with Nicole Ellis. She is a pet lifestyle expert and Certified Professional Dog Trainer. On her website, she shares different tips and techniques to take care of your pets.

Customer Stories: Interview with Lana Walker

This interview is our initiative to get to know our users a little bit better. We want to hear your experiences with Blossom Themes. We want to share your stories with all our users.

If you have been using any of our free or premium themes for more than 3 months and want to share your story, please feel free to submit it here.

Today, we are sharing an interview with Lana Walker. She is a Holistic massage therapist and Emotional Freedom Techniques practitioner. On her website, she provides different services to her customers.

How to Disable User Registration in WordPress

How to Disable User Registration in WordPress?

Membership websites are an integral aspect of modern internet architecture. A membership site can create an environment for lively digital communities and gated content that can be useful for educational websites. 

When it comes to maintaining your website, registered users can get particular roles that limit access and define tasks. This is all enabled through your WordPress membership website, which allows new users to register and gain specific privileges to control your website. 

How To Embed a PDF File in WordPress

How To Embed a PDF File in WordPress?

WordPress’s default setting allows you to display a PDF file embedded in a post or page in a separate tab. But, this doesn’t necessarily mean that there’s no way around.

With these simple methods, you can embed a PDF file in WordPress easily without any hassle. You can access these files on your site without automatically downloading them.

This feature can make a real difference in the user experience. The methods listed in the article below can come in handy when you need to work with PDF files on your website.

How to Fix Briefly Unavailable For Scheduled Maintenance. Check Back in a Minute

How to Fix Briefly Unavailable For Scheduled Maintenance. Check Back in a Minute

If you’re a dedicated WordPress user, there is a strong possibility that you’ve encountered “Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute.” error at least once. After the error message, you can no longer access your dashboard or the backend of your WordPress website.

Usually, this error report pops up while you are updating WordPress core, themes, or plugins. It mostly occurs because your WordPress website has failed to finish the entire update and is stuck in the maintenance mode instead.

How To Insert a Table in WordPress

How To Insert a Table in WordPress?

People use tables to present data and other pieces of information. Likewise, in WordPress as well, you can insert tables to display any information on your website.  

Tables make your content more readable for your visitors. They enhance the presentation style and appearance of your site. Moreover, your visitors can interpret your content in a visually appealing yet logical manner. 

Adding a table makes your page look neat. They catch your visitor’s attention instantly, which may also increase the retainment rate on your site. 

In this article, we will show you how to insert a table in WordPress. By the end of this guide, you will be able to add a table in WordPress on the go.

How To Create a Gallery in WordPress

How To Create a Gallery in WordPress ?

You can rarely find a website without an image gallery. Most of the sites use at least one gallery for decent reasons. A study shows that 38% of the visitors leave the website if they find its layout unattractive. So, if you want a better online career, it’s best to make your site visually captivating. Creating a WordPress gallery is one of many ways to do that. 

A gallery in a WordPress theme allows you to arrange photos in rows and columns. It occupies less space on the page while providing a better and quick browsing experience to your visitors.

How to Choose a WordPress theme? 18 Things to Consider

How to Choose a WordPress theme? 18 Things to Consider

The most challenging part of anything is to start, especially if you don’t have a clear vision. When starting a website, the WordPress theme you use becomes one of your strengths. With thousands of WordPress themes online, you are probably having a hard time choosing one.  

So how to select a WordPress theme that is best for you? 

Some themes have a great design but don’t have much functionality, while the others are the exact opposite. You are probably wondering if it is possible to get the best WordPress theme for a beginner like you? 

How to Create a Custom Post Type in WordPress

How to Create a Custom Post Type in WordPress?

Sometimes the default content types that WordPress provides are not enough for creating a website for your business. 

In such a case, the custom post type option that WordPress supports comes in handy. You can go beyond the page and posts content and add your custom type. 

Any business website can, thus, easily use WordPress in their way.

This article digs a little deeper to understand what custom types are, why you should use them, and how to create a custom post type in WordPress.

How To Add Free Live Chat in WordPress

How To Add Free Live Chat in WordPress?

Customer support and satisfaction is the top ingredient for a successful  business.  

If you own a service website or an online store, you have to deal with many customer support queries every day. Thankfully, the live chat service makes this task easier for you. 

Adding the live chat functionality to your WordPress website lets you interact with your audiences. You can answer their queries and solve their problems in real-time. Due to this, you have a high chance of converting them into your regular customers. 

Likewise, this helps you to convince your potential customers to buy your products and services. It also allows you to offer them faster support so that they stay loyal to your business.  

How to Add Custom Fonts to WordPress

How to Add Custom Fonts to WordPress?

Typography plays a significant role in making your WordPress website stand out. 

In WordPress, font options are limited and dependent on the theme. However, you can always add custom fonts to your site. 

For this, you can either use plugins or add custom fonts manually. You are probably unsure of why you need to add custom fonts and how to add them. If so, continue reading to find out more. 

Best Grammar CheckerTools for Bloggers

10+ Best Grammar Checker Tools for Bloggers

Do you doubt your writing skills? Or do you often proofread after you press the send button?

Don’t worry. You are not alone! We all have been there at least a few times.

Written content is all over the place, be it online content, regular ads, work emails, or day-to-day stuff, we find writings everywhere. The pressure is real if you are looking to stand out over millions of web content via blogging.

Statistics suggest professionals who made 2.5 times more grammar mistakes as their colleagues failed to progress in their careers. So, you know grammar means serious business in writing.

It’s even more overwhelming if you are just learning how to start a blog. Requirements, such as excellent grammar and readability scores are nerve-racking, especially when you know it improves credibility and search rankings.

Travel Blogs Created with Blossom Travel Pro WordPress Theme

25 Travel Blogs Created with Blossom Travel Pro WordPress Theme

Starting a travel blog is an exhilarating experience. Do you want a glimpse of how travel bloggers are making it big? We present you with a list of 25 travel blogs that use Blossom Travel Pro. 

Blossom Travel Pro is a popular web template that helps you design travel and lifestyle blogs. Its responsive design allows your audience to browse your site on all screen sizes. 

Besides, this theme provides various sections for highlighting diverse destinations. Some include Gallery, Trending, Featured Category, and more. You also get page templates for City Guides and Destination. 

How to translate a WordPress plugin in my language

How to translate a WordPress plugin in my language?

WordPress allows you to translate its dashboard. But were you aware that you can even translate the plugins in WordPress? Language translation is a lengthy process for a WordPress plugin. Yet, we can help you carry it out faster! 

You can translate your WordPress plugins more efficiently with our exhaustive guide. 

Do you want to translate your plugin from website? Or is it easy using the WordPress dashboard? Besides, a desktop app can be more comfortable for this purpose.

No matter which approach you prefer, we provide you with a step-by-step tutorial for each of these methods. 

So, without taking much of your time, let us get into the content.

How to Back Up WordPress Site

How to Back Up WordPress Site?

Losing a website is a big deal. It can happen due to malicious hackers, faulty plugins, hosting failure, or physical server damage. 

In case you haven’t backed up your website, you’re at serious risk. With backup, you can restore your website even if you lose it with just a click of a button.

But the question is, how to back up a WordPress site?

Below, we have listed out all possible ways of doing it. Along with that, the article also includes detailed information on what backup is and why it is essential. Keep reading to learn more.

How to change permalink in WordPress?

How to Change Permalink in WordPress?

When you’re browsing through a website, you must’ve noticed the URL in your browser’s address bar. This link that directs you to a particular page is the permalink for that page. 

For a business website owner, it is crucial to understand permalinks and the ways they work. A permalink is a permanent link that you use to direct internet users to your website. 

A permalink improves user experience, organizes your website, and helps for better SEO rankings. It can cause changes in web traffic. 

How To Create a Sitemap in WordPress

How To Create a Sitemap in WordPress?

Adding a sitemap is crucial for your website’s performance. It helps your audience and the search engines to navigate your website with ease. But, how to create a sitemap in WordPress?  

If you are struggling to find a solution to this query, then we can be your help. We have illustrated an exhaustive guide on creating sitemaps using different approaches. 

With this article, you can add both XML and HTML sitemap to your website. Both of these sitemaps are essential for providing better navigation and indirectly increasing your SEO performance.