How Do You Actually Make Money From a Blog? (with Real Examples)

How Do You Actually Make Money From a Blog (with Real Examples)

Hi, I am Sirapa Manandhar, the CEO of Blossom Themes. 

Since I eat, sleep, and breathe Blossom Themes and have been blogging for six years, it’s safe to say that I know quite a few things about blogging. 

Today I’m going to share my personal journey with you on how I started blogging, how much I earn from it, and how you can do so too.

I used to think of blogging as just a hobby. I never knew I could monetize it, and that it would sustain my living and beyond. It wasn’t until I started my blog. I kept writing my heart out, and I never stopped. 

Today I want to share my recipe on how do you actually make money from a blog. It doesn’t happen overnight, and I’ve certainly made many mistakes along the way. But with perseverance and passion, you can work your way up to become one of the bloggers who make seven figures and travel around the world.  

So, let’s get started, shall we? 

If you want to jump to the section where I talk about how to start a blog and make money with blog examples, click here. But, I would recommend you to follow along.

Table of Contents

My Blogging Journey – From 0 to 5 Figure Monthly Salary


When I began blogging back in 2014, I knew pretty much nothing about the business. So, it was all about passion for me. 

I have been a travel enthusiast and an avid trekker for as long as I can remember. So, I began writing about my adventures on the road. Frankly speaking, I didn’t earn anything for a couple of years. Not that I couldn’t, but back then, I didn’t know it was even possible.

One day, I talked to other bloggers, and I was like, “Wait a minute.” I was shocked because I found out that people were earning upto thousands of dollars from something I had been doing for years! 

Then, I knew I needed to up my game.

I then learned how to improve my content quality and try different strategies to start earning money. I started monetizing my blog with Google Adsense, but soon, I realized that it wasn’t the best way to do so. So, I tried banner advertisements, affiliate marketing, blog renting, lead selling, online shops, created video courses, and digital products. 

It was pretty slow initially, but I kept going on with my research and kept on learning. My dream finally came true after experimenting with multiple strategies.

Today, I make a five-figure income from my blogging business. 

It can be tiresome at first, and the slow progress may not excite you. But your hard work will pay off one day, and it will be worth it.

How Much Money Can You Make From a Blog?

I make anywhere between $10,000 to $15,000 from my blog every month. Yes, it sounds like I’m already on my way to start a retirement fund. But my journey was not easy. It is also because I did not start it the right way. 

The amount of money you want to make from your blog depends on a few things:

  • How hardworking are you? Are you planning to make it a full-time gig or just a side hustle?
  • How much are you prepared to fail? How determined are you? 
  • Which monetization method do you want for your blog? 

But some people earn a lot in a short time, and some don’t, even after ages. 

Why is it so?

Well, the quality of your content can be one factor, and another can be how you choose to monetize your blog. That is why blogging takes a lot of effort to make enough money from it. 

Now, let’s learn a thing or two in this article.

The Art of Starting a Blog


Before we talk about money, let’s learn how to start a blog.

Back then, when I didn’t have anyone to guide me, my journey began with a lot of trial-and-error, sleepless nights, and coffee.

But I’m beyond happy to help you start your blog with step-by-step guidelines based on my expertise and experience.

If you prefer a summarized version, here are five easy steps:

Select Your Blogging Platform

Firstly, choose the right blogging platform. There are so many choices, like WordPress, Squarespace, Blogger, Joomla, and Tumblr.

Most beginners make the mistake of choosing free platforms to save a few bucks. But, it’ll make things worse later.

Well, I use WordPress to build my blog, and I recommend you use it too. 38% of sites on the internet are built on WordPress. 

Choose a Domain Name

Next, choose the right domain name. If you’re already an established brand, I highly recommend choosing your brand name as the domain name.

But, if you’re starting from scratch, be careful. When choosing a domain name, keep it specific and relevant to your work/niche. It’s best to keep it simple, short, and catchy so that it’s easy to remember.

Avoid hyphens or numbers as they create more confusion.

Once you find the right domain name for your blog, you can register it at, Bluehost, or GoDaddy.

Setup Blog Hosting & WordPress

Once you register your domain name, it is time to sign up for web hosting. If you choose WordPress as your platform, it’s best to consider choosing WordPress hosts.

WordPress has a large number of hosts. But not every host is going to perform well for you.

Over the years, I have tried and tested a lot of WordPress hosts. Out of all the hosts I’ve tested so far, I recommend you go with Bluehost or SiteGround if you’re looking for performance and reliability. 

After you’re done signing up for web hosting, install WordPress. Both Bluehost and Siteground provide step-by-step installations for WordPress. You can even request their support team to install it for you, or you can refer to the step-by-step guide that I have created. 

Customize Your Blog

Now that you’ve installed WordPress, it is time to customize it and make it look appealing. You can customize your site by using a WordPress theme.

Remember, you should always customize your blog according to the niche of your blog. If you’re starting a travel blog, there is no point in using a theme that caters to beauty-related websites. So, make sure to look for a relevant theme. 

If you’re looking for creative and mobile-friendly WordPress themes, I’d recommend my theme company, Blossom Themes. They are easy to use, SEO-optimized, and are very customizable. 

Once you set up the theme, install a few plugins. One of the must-have plugins is either Yoast SEO or Rank Math for SEO.

Write Your First Blog Post

Once you set up your blog, it is time to write your first blog post.

Keeping your niche in mind, write what you know will be relatable and valuable for the audience. The best tip is to be authentic and make your content sound the same as well. If you want a format example, check out the perfect blog post format. 

How you decorate your content is key. So, add a proper headline, subheadings, relevant keywords, images, videos, links, etc.

Your content should be easy to understand for your audience. Use bold text, italics, underline, and highlight key texts to make them stand out.

How Do You Actually Make Money From a Blog (with Real Examples)

1.  Affiliate Marketing

Imagine recommending your favorite products/services to your best friend. Affiliate marketing is just that with benefits.

In this scenario, you promote a company’s product via a unique link in exchange for a commission. Once you create a community of viewers, they’ll trust you and your recommendations. 

Affiliate marketing is great because you do not need to create or store the product to sell and, thus, is relatively easy. But, it’s crucial to be authentic and only endorse products that you genuinely love. 

An affiliate link is a unique link that contains a tracking code that tracks who was responsible for the sale. In general, the merchants provide each affiliate with a specific URL that contains the ID or username of the affiliate.

I have experimented with different methods to earn money from my blog. In 2017, I decided to try affiliate marketing in my outdoor blog. So, I started reviewing outdoor gears and used the Amazon Affiliate Program to promote the products.

Amazon Associates

I had also signed up for the affiliate programs of the tools and services that I was using and wrote reviews about them. When people search for those tools and services reviews, visit my website, and purchase by clicking on my affiliate links, I get a commission. 

In three years, affiliate marketing has become my favorite way to make money from my blog. Since then, I have managed to earn a 6-figure income from promoting affiliate products.

That’s insane, isn’t it?

Well, you only have to work on the affiliate blogs one time. You may need to come back and change a few things here and there, but you don’t have to do much.

When the readers visit your blog and buy the recommended product through that particular affiliate link, you’ll earn a commission off of it. With a small effort, you can continually earn a decent income from affiliate links for years to come.

That’s the reason I highly recommend every blogger to join an affiliate program to make some money. 

That being said, do not expect to start earning overnight. 

It takes a lot of time and effort to make money from affiliate marketing. Initially, people keep high expectations, and when they end up with no earnings or just little ones, they start becoming impatient and simply give up. But in affiliate marketing, success is all about persistence and continuous effort. 

According to the results of a recent poll about affiliates’ annual income

  • 18.80 percent of affiliates earn USD 20,000 or less per year. 
  • About 20.52 percent earn between USD 21,000 to 80,000 per year.
  • Approximately 26.5 percent of affiliates earn between USD 81,000 to 200,000 per year.
  • Around 17.09 percent of affiliates earn between USD 201,000 to 1,000,000 per year.
  • 11.11 percent affiliates earn between USD 1,001,000 to 2,000,000 per year.
  • Only 5.98 percent of affiliates earn more than USD 2,000,000 per year.

Real Examples of Bloggers Earning From Affiliate Marketing?

Pat Flynn is one of the most prominent names in the blogging sphere. He is an example of sheer dedication with almost a decade of experience as a blogger.

Pat mostly helps aspiring bloggers with his easy-to-use techniques to run online at Smart Passive Income. Besides this blog, he also runs many other blogs. He has several streams to generate income from his blog. However, he mostly earns from affiliate marketing. He makes more than USD 100,000 from affiliate marketing alone.

most recommended tools for WordPress

On Smart Passive Income, he promotes several resources and tools for bloggers, such as Bluehost, Buzzsprout, and Convertkit. Apart from that, he also makes about $22.2k for referring a book called Best Year Ever by Michael Hyatt.

How to Start Affiliate Marketing in Your Blog?

Frankly speaking, the possibilities are countless in affiliate marketing.

Many companies offer affiliate programs. They provide different commission rates depending upon their product and services.

One of the best affiliate programs today has to be Amazon Associates. It is easy to sign up for this program, and you can start using it on your blog right away.

But there are tons of different affiliate programs you can add to your website depending upon your niche.

Here are a few programs that pay high commission:

So, will I earn a five-figure income after adding a couple of “special” links on my blog?

Well, no.

You may barely even make any income in the first few months. But, do not let that discourage you. 

But, how do we start affiliate marketing on our blog?

Once you finish creating your blog, here are a few steps to get you started with affiliate marketing:

Choose a Product to Recommend as an Affiliate

Once you have your website up and running, it is time to find a product you can promote as an affiliate. 

You can choose one of the products you’ve used and liked in the past. For example, if you are using one of the themes from Blossom Themes to create your website, you can sign up for Blossom Themes Affiliate Program, which offers a 55% commission on each sale.

If you think that the product is a good fit for your audience and has an affiliate program, you can join it. 

Look for products that are accessible for evaluation and review.

It does not matter which approach you choose, but make sure you invest enough time and effort to research the product. 

Sign Up the Affiliate Program

Once you know what you want to recommend on your site, it is time to sign up for the affiliate program. You can join the affiliate program directly through a merchant or via a network. 

First, you’ll have to apply for the program. Once all your credentials are evaluated, you’ll be approved as an affiliate by the affiliate network.

After approval, the affiliate network will ask you for your personal or business contact details and your bank details. In return, they will provide you with their affiliate link to track your sales.

Promote Your Affiliate Links

You’ll only make money from affiliate marketing if somebody decides to go with your recommendation and buys the product via the link. For that, you need to promote your affiliate links and make them trustworthy.

Therefore, you should create killer content to promote your links. You can either write an entire article reviewing the product, create a resource page for it, or sprinkle the link around your content.

2. Display Advertisement

Honestly, I prefer not to display ads on my blogs. But I can not ignore the fact that ad revenue is not the most lucrative income source, but it is easy to get started. Therefore, this method is especially ideal for newbie bloggers.

Unlike other revenue streams, it is much easier and quicker to set up for ads revenue. Hence, most beginners tend to use it. 

But, displaying excessive ads on your blog post can be annoying. It also maximizes the bounce rate. So, make sure to limit your ads and keep your blog post readable.

Currently, there are tons of ad networks in the market. However, Google AdSense is the most popular network. I started with Google AdSense as well. This advertising platform makes it much easier for you to display ads on your site.

The minimum requirements to apply for AdSense are easy to reach, even if you are just starting out. So, you can start with Google AdSense. But, once your traffic grows beyond 25,000 sessions a month, I recommend choosing other advertising platforms, like AdThrive, MediaVine, and BlogHer.

It is possible to make around USD 500 to 2000 every month from ad revenue, even if you’re in the first year of your blogging career. And, if you keep at it and keep building, you can realistically make more than USD 100,000 in your second year.

It is possible to earn between USD 0.01 – 0.25 per page view through ads in most blogging niches. So, if you manage to earn only about 1,000 pageviews a month, you can make about USD 10 to 25 every month. Likewise, if you manage to grow your traffic from 1,000 to 100,000 a month, your monthly income can increase upto USD 1,000 to 25,000. The more visitors you have, the more money you can make.

But how does it work?

These advertising networks display ads that are closely related to your blog post. In return, you’ll get a small commission when someone clicks on your ads or by the ad’s total views.

That’s great! I’ll start my site as soon as possible and apply for ads right away!

I wish it were that easy! Most ad networks will barely pay you any money unless you have a significant amount of traffic. You need tens and thousands of page views every month to start earning from most advertising platforms.

Honestly, most bloggers tend to recommend beginner bloggers to start with ads, but I beg to differ. Instead, I’d recommend sticking to affiliate marketing, at least for the first couple of years.

You can still make tons of money from display advertisements if your blog gets traffic in millions. 

Real Examples of Bloggers Earning From Displaying Ads?

When we’re talking about a blogger’s success story, who earns from digital advertisement, one name that always pops-up is Heather B. Armstrong. She is an American blogger who writes for under the pseudonym of Dooce.

Real Examples of Bloggers Earning From Displaying Ads dooce

The website posts content about parenting, family issues, and depression. Her website gets about half a million readers every month. According to reports, Dooce earns around USD 50,000 every month from Pay-Per-Click Advertising alone.

How to Apply for Google AdSense?

Although there are many digital platforms for advertising, Google AdSense is hands down the most popular one.

Google AdSense offers a broad range of ad units, including display ads, in-article ads, in-feed ads, matched content, etc. These ad units include optimization tools and can be used for multiple platforms and devices.

When you’re just starting, you do not want to rush into this process.

While applying for the AdSense account, go through their policies, and follow their instructions properly. Google is strict about the quality of its ad network.

Eligibility Criteria to Apply for Google AdSense

Below are the requirements you should fulfill before signing up for Google AdSense. Before you make any moves, make sure to fulfill all the requirements and follow all their rules and regulations. If not, your AdSense account will most likely be rejected.

  • You should be 18 years or above.
  • You should own all the content you publish. If you copy others’ content, you’ll be in copyright violation.   
  • Your website must have clear and accessible navigation.
  • All your content must follow Google Content Policies.
  • Your website must include technical pages — About Us, Contact Us, and Policy Page.
  • Your website should have enough traffic.

Step-by-step Guide to Apply for Google AdSense

  • Before you apply for Google AdSense, set up a website, and get it up and running. You cannot use AdSense for sites that are “under construction.”
  • Once you have your site running, ensure that you meet their eligibility criteria to be considered a potential candidate. Google is not likely to accept any random website into its AdSense program.
  • After checking your eligibility requirements, it is time to apply for AdSense. First, go to the Google AdSense website. On the Home tab, click on the ‘Get Started’ button to start the application process.
Google adsense
  • On the next window, enter the necessary details, including your website and email address.
entering the necessary details, including your website and email address.
  • On the next page, you need to select your country and accept its terms and conditions to create an AdSense account.
Selecting country
  • Upon creating the AdSense account, fill up another form regarding ‘Payment Address Details’ and submit it.
entering ‘Payment Address Details’ and submit it.
  • After that, connect your site to AdSense. Don’t worry. You will receive all the instructions that are required to do so.

Google will give you a code for you to add to your website. They’ll also provide you the instructions on how you can insert the AdSense URL on your site. After inserting the code on your website, click the submit button.

Puting adsense code
  • After you apply, your site is ready for the AdSense team to review. They can take from a couple of days to two weeks to respond.
  •  Make sure that you keep the snippet of the code on your site until they get back to you.
reviewing site by google
  • Once your AdSense is enabled, update your privacy policy to let your audience know that you have enabled an ad network displaying ads on your site.
  • Here’s something you need to include in your privacy policy.
  • Once you start making passive income from Google AdSense, you’ll need to verify your address before withdrawing your money.

3. Online Courses and Workshops

People love online courses because it’s easy, and they can learn from anywhere. Global Industry Analysts’ study states that online learning is expected to grow over USD 305 billion by the end of 2025.

If you believe your expertise can be valuable for others, you can start an online course easily. You’ll be earning and changing the world at once.

Real Examples of Bloggers Earning From Online Courses and Workshops?

An excellent example of bloggers earning from online courses has to Kristen from Believe in a Budget. Although she started her blog in 2015 as a side hustle, she has managed to make a living out of it.

Believe in a Budget site

As the name suggests, she started her blog as a budgeting and financing blog. However, she later decided to turn it into a guide to online money making.

When she first posted her income report in 2015, she said she made USD 61.83. Today, she earns around USD 16,000 every month. She uses many different revenue streams to make money, one of which is her online course.

So, how do we get started?

Starting online courses/workshops are not as easy as it seems. 

You need to have advanced knowledge and perseverance to design course content and modules. However, if you’re willing to do what it takes to create the course, start right now. 

There are many online platforms to create and sell online courses. Some of them are Teachable, Udemy, Skillshare, LearnWorlds, and Thinkific. If you do not want to choose any online learning platforms, you can sell them on your website, email newsletter, and even social media. 

Believe it or not, with online courses, you can make a steady income for years. 

How to Make Money With a Successful Online Course?

Merely telling your audience what you know through video is not going to be enough. You need to dedicate your time and effort to design and create an online class that sells.

Here are eight steps to follow to make money with a successful online course:

Step 1: Commitment is Key

If sharing your expertise is your passion, commit to it fully.

Online courses are here to stay. But, the level of competitiveness is growing each year exceptionally. So, the right time to create an online course is now!

But what if you’re not an expert? Do I have to have a strong qualification to start an online course?

Well, no, but you need to be passionate enough about it, and you have to have an exciting and unique perspective.

Step 2: Choose a Profitable Topic

This is where most of the new creators fail. It is always a good idea to create a course about something you already know. But what’s the point if nobody is willing to buy your course?

In this case, what do you do?

Always research a lot on your topic of interest. If you’re planning to create a course that has never been done before, chances are people are not interested in buying it.

Look for problem-solving ideas. If someone has already done it, don’t worry. It’s always a good sign to have competition.

Step 3: Know the Demand

Before anything, make sure you’re on the right track. You need to test the potential of your course idea. Will people buy it?

Testing ideas does not only mean asking suggestions from your family and friends. Go beyond that and use the right strategy to study the market.

You can either create a small mini-course and deliver it to your audience via email to see their response. Or, you can pre-sell your course even before you make it.

Step 4: Create a Course Outline

Once you’ve tested your course idea, it is time to create a detailed outline. To make great content, you must start with a clear course outline.

That being said, you don’t have to spend hours on it. I recommend starting small. Break it down, and keep it simple.

Step 5: Create Your Course Content

Now that you’ve got the outline figured out, it is time to create your online course. Most creators use the video format to deliver the course. I highly recommend you include a worksheet with the course to help your students. 

Your first online course may not look premium. But, you need to try and make it as professional as possible.

Make sure you have the filming equipment and editing softwares before you start. Also, check your lighting, video quality, audio quality, and background before creating the content.

Step 6: Get Your Course Online

Once you’re done with the content, it is time to get your course online so that people can buy it.

I always encourage bloggers to use their blogs or platforms to upload their course content. Why? Because you’re in charge of it. It is your course, and it is your site! You have complete control of setting the price, choosing the design, marketing, and so on.

With other online learning platforms, you do not have such control. However, you can also sell them on sites like Udemy, Skillshare, LearnWorlds, Thinkific, and Teachable, if you wish to.

Step 7: Set a Right Price for Your Course

If you are to make money from the online course, you need to set a price. When you’re just starting, pricing can be a tough decision.

You don’t know how much your content is worth!

Evaluate the content and resources of your course beforehand. Do not overprice or make it cheap. It’s always best to research and compare prices for similar courses. 

Step 8: Market, Promote, and Sell Your Course

Finally, it is time to promote and sell your online course to your audience. If you already have a decent email list on your blog, one of the best ways to promote your course is email marketing. 

Build an email list. I’d recommend you first to set a goal for the course sales. Then, calculate the number of email lists you at least need to reach your goal and start building accordingly.

Then, sell your online course, and start earning.

4. Sell eBooks and Workbooks.

Another great source of revenue for bloggers is writing eBooks or workbooks. Similar to online courses, selling eBooks can make you a steady income.

Writing, publishing, and selling eBooks is not easy and is not everyone’s cup of tea. But if you believe in yourself, go for it. 

“But, what should my eBook or workbook be about? What sells?”

Do not worry about what sells. Write about something that you have expertise in. It can be about travel, fitness, financing, business, blogging, marketing, or SEO. Do your research and put out a unique eBook. If it sells well, you can earn a lot.

Except from your website, you can also sell it on online platforms like Amazon Kindle or

Real Examples of Bloggers Earning from Selling eBooks

Have you ever heard of the six-figure earning freelancer Carol Tice? She is the founder of Make a Living Writing. She helps aspiring writers to earn their living from their writing.

Real Examples of Bloggers Earning from Selling eBooks

She has managed to self-publish loads of eBooks and sell them on her website. Her first book as a self-publishing writer was Make a Living Writing: The 21st Century Guide. 

As per her article, it took her six years to earn USD 45,000 selling her e-books. 

Steps to Writing and Selling Your First eBook and Workbook on Your Website

The internet is your freedom. Take advantage. Start your first eBook and never look back. 

Self-publishing and selling your eBooks on your website not only gives you a massive percentage of sales but also provides you all the control and independence.

If you want some tips on starting an eBook beforehand, here are a few steps to follow:

Step 1: Choose a Topic and Title

What do you care about most? I get that it’s intimidating but crucial. E.g. I care a lot about traveling. So, if I were to write an eBook, I would probably write on that with a title like How to Travel on a Budget. Being more specific, I would also write about my craziest and funniest experiences while traveling.

So, jot down what’s important to you and what unique things you can bring to the table. That’s how you complete the first step. 

Step 2: Create Your eBook

Now, it is time to write your book. Make sure to keep it simple and informative. 

Also, it’s not necessary to complete the book in a single sitting. Instead, create an outline and start brainstorming. It’s normal if you get a writer’s block. 

Set daily goals and deadlines. 

Step 3: Format Your eBook

Readability is key. So, make your eBook readable by formatting the content. Use a simple font and make its size consistent. I’d suggest using a simple color pattern and maintain two or three types of headers for clarity. 

Besides, also consider adding some visual content and useful images.

Step 4: Proofreading

Before you publish your eBook, proofread it often.

I’d highly recommend you to read out aloud while proofreading. If you think you’re not good enough, it’s best to hire a professional editor to do it for you.

Step 5: Design a Cover that Sells Your eBook.

“Don’t judge a book by its cover.”

People say it all the time. But when it comes to eBooks, covers matter. If you want the design to be perfect, it’s always best to hire a graphic designer. Why? Because when starting a business, delegating tasks is important as well.

Here are a few pointers for a good eBook cover:

  • Always make your book title large and use an easy-to-read font.
  • Keep the color of the book title different from the background-color.
  • The image resolution of your book cover should be 300 DPI.
  • Choose a quality image that is relevant to your title. Avoid cheap stock photos.
  • Do not use others’ images. 

Step 5: Convert Your eBook.

If you’re serious about making money selling an eBook, it is crucial to converting it into multiple formats. There is no point in creating a single file format and expecting to sell thousands of copies.

Convert your eBook into multiple formats so that it can be compatible with numerous devices. Invest in formatting your eBook correctly.

You don’t have to do it all. Initially, I suggest you start with three formats — MOBI, ePub, and PDF.

MOBI file extension is specially designed for Amazon Kindle and mobile phones with low bandwidth. ePub is the universal eBook format. Several devices, including Apple iBookstore, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo, accept the format.

Step 6: Add Your eBook to Your Site and Promote It.

Once you’re all set, add your eBook to your website and promote it. 

Upload your eBook with the cover image, a short description, price, and ratings. Make sure to upload in all the available formats to ensure the readers have choices.

Once that’s done, it is time to tell the world about it. 

So, how do you promote your product?

An effective method is to write 15 to 20 guest posts for different sites of a similar niche. You can also create some buzz around social media platforms, like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Appearing on a podcast or two can also be a great way to promote your product.

When you’re first starting, I recommend giving away a few copies to other bloggers in your niche to review it and share it with their network.

5. Consulting or Coaching

When you’re a new blogger, one of the best things you can do to make money is to provide a consulting or coaching service.

I know it may not be for everyone, but it’s a relatively easy way to make money if you have the expertise. The best part is that you can offer these services to your clients, even with a small audience.

But, we do not require coaching or consulting in my niche.

I agree there are a few niches that are more inclined towards coaching and consulting compared to others. We’ve all heard of coaching services, like fitness coaches, dating coaches, and business coaches.

But other niches are not coaching-compatible. So, figure out a way to provide these services in such niches and start it right away.

“But, hold on! I’m not even a coach.”

Some of the world’s most popular coaches started without any knowledge of coaching.

But you do need to have advanced knowledge, research, and confidence to face new people.

Coaching not only helps you start making money right away, but it also creates more engagement on your site. In the long run, you can grow your traffic tremendously.  

Real Examples of Bloggers Earning by Consulting or Coaching

Ana Skyes is a blogging strategist who has been helping out aspiring bloggers through her website, The She Approach. Although her project started as a university assignment in 2016, she has managed to make a living out of it.

Private Blog Coaching Services

As a blogging strategist and coach, she teaches dozens of aspiring bloggers through one-on-one sessions and trains them via digital products and online courses. Not only that, but she is also an Amazon published author for eBook The She Approach To Starting A Money-Making Blog.

She earns a six-figure income through her blog. Although she uses several revenue sources to generate money from her blog, she makes a staggering amount as a blogging coach.

How to Offer Consulting or Coaching Services on Your Blog

The trend of online coaching service is here to stay. People look for convenience, and they love any online service.

If you can build a community of happy customers, you can earn a lot even through word-of-mouth, advertising, and endorsements.

Here are a few tips for consulting or coaching services on your blog:

Step 1: Start by Creating an Informative Blog

Before you start consulting and coaching services on your blog, you need to create a blog packed with high-quality and informative content. Building the trust of your audience is the first thing you need to do as an expert.

Your site’s visitors are your potential clients. So, before you pitch your service to them, you should give them credible blog posts.

To make yourself seem more credible as a coach, write blog posts on coaching. 

Step 2: Create a Web Page for Your Packages and Services

It is time to create a separate web page for your services.


Because it helps your audience learn about your coaching and consulting services, I recommend you organize them properly if there are more than one packages. Consider providing brief information about each product with its price.

Most bloggers choose not to disclose the price on the web page. Rather, they redirect you to sign-up their newsletter or request the price. Do not make this mistake. Four out of five people are likely to leave your page immediately when they see a sign-up box.

I’m sure you wouldn’t want that.

Also, do not add unnecessary information. 

Include the following things in your service page:

  • All the services you offer
  • A basic outlines of the services
  • The total cost of the package
  • Why this coaching service is ideal for them

If you think that your service page is too long and packed with too much information, consider separating it into two different pages. You can add basic outlines and package costs on the first page. On the second page, you can provide detailed information about each package.

Step 3: Find a Way For Potential Clients to Reach Out to You

You’ll need a sophisticated and easy way for your potential clients to reach you.

I’d recommend you create a Contact Us form to fill up when they choose to get in touch with you. Creating a form helps channel your clients’ inquiries in a single place while also allowing you to get their necessary details.

Step 4: Have a Process in Place

What will you do when you start receiving emails from your clients?

You might think it does not take much to reply to an email or chat with the client. But you’re wrong.

Start with a professional approach right because that’s what matters. For this, you need to put a process in place and practice it consistently. 

Here’s what it looks like:

  • Create an inquiry form – It helps keep your emails organized and receive detailed information of your client. This lets you know what you need and why they are interested in your coaching services.
  • Confirm their service package – After finding out their needs and interests, make sure that they choose the right service package. If not, it is your responsibility to recommend the right package for your clients. In addition to that, you should also discuss the terms of service and payment method.
  • Work on your strategy – On your prior conversation’s authority, sketch out a proper plan for your client.
  • One-on-one Session – During this half an hour to an hour-long session, go through all the plans and strategies with your clients. Ensure the session covers every detail about the plans. Along with it, learn what they have to say.
  • Further support – Then, continue providing additional support to your client. Make sure to help them out with things as per the strategy.
  • Review and re-plan – This step is optional. If your client is happy with your plan and strategy, let it be. But, if you want, you can track the process and later evaluate it. Doing so can come in handy.

Step 5: Promote Your Services

Organic traffic is never going to be enough. No matter how hard you try or how advanced your SEO strategies are, you’ll need to direct your traffic from several sources.

Apart from organic traffic, you can promote your product and sales page via social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

Promote your coaching services exactly like you promote other blog posts and content. If possible, you can also join several relevant Facebook groups to share your packages and services. 

One of the best ways to promote your service is via email marketing. Believe it or not, it can make a massive difference when it comes to sales conversion.

If you’ve already built a decent list, I highly suggest you create anticipation by notifying them that something exciting is coming soon. Once your packages are up on the site, inform them through email. You can also provide a small discount or special offers to early birds. 

How Do Bloggers Get Paid: A Guide to Earning Your First $1,000

Payment method

1. Choose a Profitable Blogging Niche

Choosing a profitable blogging niche is the key to success.

Most people tend to choose a niche they’re passionate about. That’s not the way to go about it if you want to get far. Find a niche with a large audience.

Types of blogs that make money are health and fitness, finance, fashion, lifestyle, business, travel, and technology. But, if you choose one, get ready for a competition.

I also discuss selecting a profitable niche in my detailed article – The Secrets to Choosing a Lucrative Niche for Your Blog.

2. Create Quality Content

Content will always be king. That being said, not every content will take your blog to the next level. 

So, what makes quality content?

Regardless of the topic, your content should be able to tell a story. Try your best to engage, inform, and help the readers.

Here’s how you can create quality content:

  • Your content should be well-researched and informative.
  • Use a proper content structure to add clarity.
  • Your content should add a unique value to the reader.
  • You should ensure that your content does not have any grammar, punctuation, or spelling mistakes.
  • Don’t write about random thoughts if they’re not relevant to the current events. 

3. Choose a Traffic Source

When you’re just starting out, choosing the right traffic source can be confusing.

Should you promote your blog post on Facebook? Should you spend more time on SEO optimization? Should you focus on a certain keyword? Should you start your own podcast? Should you start a YouTube channel?

There are countless different tactics you can use to generate traffic. But not every tactic is likely to work for everyone.

So, what do you do?

Generally, most successful bloggers rely on multiple sources for site traffic. Most beginners think that using advanced SEO strategy will do it for them. But that won’t be enough. Relying on Google’s algorithm won’t be sufficient, as well.

You can use different platforms, like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube, to attract traffic. However, most traffic for written content comes from either Google or Facebook, and sometimes Pinterest too. The rest of the traffic sources do not even come close to these three, even when combined. Finally, you can also boost it with email marketing.

Why should you diversify traffic to your website?

Diversifying the traffic from different sources helps to maximize your reach. Also, if one of your traffic sources’ algorithms is updated and suddenly stops generating the audience, you can rely on other sources to do the job for you.

4. Build Your Email List with Pop-Ups

“The money is on the list.”

When it comes to traffic sources, people mostly rely on Google’s algorithm or social media. But, you have no control over them.

However, an email list can be under your control.

One of the best ways to build your email list is through pop-ups. But avoid forcing or spamming them all over the site. Make sure to use pop-ups in a sophisticated way to grow your list.

I have talked in detail about creating an email list and making sales in my article – 7 Steps to Build Your Email List, Engage Your Subscribers, and Make Sales With Email Marketing.

5. Monetize Your Site with Affiliate Programs

Once you grow your site’s traffic and build an email list, it is time to monetize it.

Most bloggers rush into applying for ad networks or start creating books or online courses. In my honest opinion, that’s a mistake.


Because you have to understand your audience’s interests first, if not, your products won’t do well.

So, how do you find what your audience wants?

Affiliate marketing is your answer. It not only helps you make money but also helps you know the needs of your audience. You can easily promote a certain affiliate product and analyze how it does.

If it converts well, you should consider creating a similar product. If not, you can always move on. You won’t have much to lose.

6. Develop a Unique Mechanism

Developing a unique mechanism means understanding your customers’ needs and purchase transitions.


Think from a consumer perspective. Go through their thought process while shopping online. For instance, if someone buys your eBook called How to Play the Guitar, they’ll expect that they can play guitar at the end. Hence, your product will only sell if you can help your customer make those transitions.

If you don’t consider the benefits your customer can get after purchasing your product, you will not succeed as much.

So, how do you deliver that transition better and stand out from the competition?

Here’s how you can create a unique mechanism:

  • If you have something unique about your product, use it to create the mechanism.
  • Even if your product is not unique, find a creative way to tell its story.
  • Lastly, even if your product is ordinary, give it a new name, and make it sound extraordinary.  

7. Launch the Minimum Viable Funnel

If you analyze any successful online bloggers, you’ll notice a surprising strategy. They tend to sell their product or service, even before they create it.

What? How can someone sell something that does not even exist?

Usually, what they do is create a minimum sales funnel. Here, they tell the visitors that their product is launching soon and is up for pre-book. 

Now, all they do is wait and watch if enough people sign up for pre-book. This helps them find out how many people are interested in their product and know if it is worth making the product. If they do not get enough bookings, they choose to refund and start over with another product.

Here’s how it works:

  • Initially, they promote similar affiliate products to identify market demand.
  • Develop a unique mechanism to stand out amongst the competitors.
  • Quickly launch the product before they create it to test the demand for that specific unique mechanism.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. How to start a successful blog?

One of the blogging myths is that people think you need to be a great writer to start a blog. Anyone passionate enough can start a successful blog.

However, these pointers can further help you create a successful blog.

1. Choose a catchy and descriptive domain name.
2. Set up web hosting and get your site online.
3. Customize your site with a WordPress theme.
4. Write your first blog post. Publish it.
5. Promote your blog and get more traffic.
6. Monetize your blog.

With time and dedication, you can become one of the successful bloggers.

2. Which blogging site do you recommend for beginners?

I’ve seen many new bloggers choose the wrong blogging platform. When you’re new, you’ll probably want to pick free blogging platforms. But they do not offer flexibility when it comes to monetization.

So, I suggest you start your blog with a self-hosted WordPress site if you’re serious about making money as a blogger.

3. How much do bloggers actually make from a blog?

How much you earn from your blog depends on several factors. Your niche, your effort, and what streams you use for monetization are some of the factors.

Not every blogger is likely to earn a similar amount of figure. Some bloggers barely make anything, and there are some who make a 7-figure income from it.
The below-mentioned facts are as per the survey report of

• There are more than 152 million blogs.
• Thirty-four percent of total active bloggers have only been blogging for a year or less.
• Sixty-nine percent of bloggers around the world make zero income from their website.
• Only 2 percent of bloggers around the world make more than USD 150,000 per year.
• Forty-five percent of bloggers who are making more than USD 50,000 tend to sell their products.
• The websites that publish more than 16 blog posts each month are likely to get 3.5 times more traffic.

4. How do you make money as a newbie blogger?

In the early days, things can be confusing. But never give up. 

I’d highly recommend you offer coaching services in the early days. At that time, you’re not likely to have much traffic on your blog. So, consider turning your handful of visitors into customers with expensive offers.

You can also recommend some products to your audience and add a few affiliate links to make money. Once you start earning well, you can begin building your website. When your site traffic increases with time, you can display ads and add digital products for more income.

5. Which blogging niches are more profitable?

If you know you’re passionate about something already, that’s great. But, if you’re unsure, choose from these profitable niche options.

• Travel
• Personal Finance
• Fashion
• Lifestyle
• Business and Marketing
• Technology and Gaming

However, these niches are not likely to work for you unless you are passionate about it.


Well, there you go!

Anyone with passion can build a successful blog. For that, treat your blog like a business.

Most bloggers start their blogs as a side hustle, and there’s nothing wrong with it. You can always grow your blog behind the scenes and turn it into a source of lucrative income. 

Whether you choose to start it as a full-time gig or a side project, always give it all your effort. 

I hope you’ll find a few handy things to take away from the article and implement them to make money from your blog. Please feel free to leave a comment below and let me know how helpful this article was for you.

Happy blogging!

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