8 Best Life Coach Certification Programs

Best Life Coach Certification Programs

There may be several reasons why you want to become a certified life coach. 

Perhaps one of the reasons could be that you’re seeking a means to improve your life while also helping others. But, on the other hand, maybe you’re looking for a new job that will be both hard and gratifying. 

Whatever your motive, being a certified life coach might be an excellent approach to reaching your goals.

But what is a life coach certification? 

A life coach certification programs involve training people to become certified life coaches. 

Now, how can you become a life coach who is certified as well?

Fortunately, becoming a certified life coach is no longer as difficult as it once was. There are numerous life coach certification programs available both online and physically.

Moreover, there are online tools that smoothen your journey as a life coach. For example, CoachPodium is an interactive online tool for coaches looking to enhance their coaching businesses online. I will talk in detail about CoachPodium at the end of this article.

But before that, you will be finding out about some of the best life coach certification programs.

So, bear with us until the end if you want to become a successful certified life coach.

Who Should Get a Life Coach Certification?

Well, you may not be expecting this answer, but anyone can get a life coach certification. While many people assume that only counselors or licensed therapists can become certified life coaches, the reality is quite different. 

Whether you’re a teacher, a model, someone waiting for a career switch or even a stay-at-home parent willing to return to the job market, you can become a certified life coach.

All you need to become a professional life coach is active listening and the willingness to help your coaching clients become to create a better life and achieve their goals.

In fact, did you know there are various programs that allow you to specialize in diverse areas such as career coaching, health and wellness coaching, relationship coaching etc?

So, no matter your interests or ambitions, there’s sure to be a life coach certification program that suits you.

8 Best Life Coach Certification Programs

1. Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC)

iPEC is the name that first comes to mind when discussing the life coach certification program. It is one of the leading ICF accredited coach training programs that are highly respected and inclusive.

iPEC was founded in 1992 by Dr. Tony Alessandra, a renowned speaker, author, and business consultant. 

It offers a variety of courses, workshops and seminars, which allows the coaches not only the necessary knowledge and skills but also a way to explore their niche and goals.


  • A curriculum that covers all aspects of coaching, from the basics of communication and connection-building to more advanced topics such as goal setting and accountability.
  • A focus on practical skills so that you can immediately start using what you’ve learned in your coaching practice.
  • A commitment to quality, with a money-back guarantee if you’re not satisfied with the program.
  • Provides an in-depth education leading to 3 certificates, including the iPEC’s Certified Professional Coach credential and certifications that will differentiate you from other life coaches.

Duration: 7-8 Months 

Price: $11,950.

Delivery Method: Both Online and Physical.

Pros and Cons

Cover all basics of life coaching.Tutor-led, not self-paced.
No extra charge for elective courses.Comparatively costly.
ICF accredited program.Take nearly 2 years to complete.
Weekly webinars. 
Access to iPEC’S library. 

2. Coach Training Alliance (CTA)

Awarded with “ Best Life Coach Training and Certification Provider” in 2020, Coach Training Alliance is a well-known ICF accredited life coach training program. 

As it educates the coaches about starting and growing their life coaching business, it is recommended chiefly to aspiring coaches.

Will Craig, a former president of the International Coach Federation, launched CTA in 2000. (ICF).

It differs from other coach certification programs because it focuses on the commercial side of the life coaching business.


  • With CTA, you’ll be prepared to coach clients effectively and build and run a successful coaching business.
  • Uses the “ Circle of Learning” method for the certified coach training program. It allows the coaches to be the best at their chosen niche.
  • Enables the coaches to have hands-on coaching experience while learning.
  • Allows the coaches to practice effective, ethical and responsible coaching.

Duration: 6 Months

Price: $3,497

Delivery Method: Both Online and Physical.

Pros and Cons

Combines coaching knowledge with practical business and marketing skills.Challenging to get enrolled, so requires booking a spot in advance.
12 group mentoring sessions. 
Free website server hosting. 
Weekly sessions. 
Free workshop before getting enrolled. 
ICF accredited program. 

3. Certified Life Coach Institute (CLCI)

If you want to get certified quickly, then CLCI is the best life coach certification program for you. However, it offers two levels of courses, and one needs to complete them both to get accredited coach hours.

CLCI has been providing various coach certification programs in multiple niches since 2009.

This program will expose the coaches to ICF coaching models and provide various peer-to-peer coaching opportunities.


  1. It provides two intense online training sessions that may be completed in three days each.
  2. The CLCI program includes brief training on basic coaching skills, business and marketing. This will prepare the coaches to establish their own life coaching firm.
  3. It prepares the coaches for various coach certification exams like ACC (Associate Certified Coach) and CKA (Coach Knowledge Assessment).
  4. It provides detailed QnA sessions and one to one help system.

Duration: 3 days each for 2 online intensives.

Price: $1,295 for Master Certified Life Coach, $995 for a Certified Life Coach. And the combined certificate will cost $1,995.

Mode of Delivery: Virtual

Pros and Cons

Certificated in only 3 days.Only surface-level knowledge.
Very affordable.Need to complete both levels to join ICF.
ICF accredited program.Business and marketing topics are not well elaborated.
 Only online programs are available.

4. Coach U Core Essential Program

Awarded as a “Best Career Change Life Coach Certification Program of 2022;” Coach U is one of the outstanding coach certification programs. It mainly focuses on the coaches who want to focus on their careers.

Being founded in 1992, Coach U is one of the first coach certification programs that has been providing a complete certification and coaching program.

The program assists the coaches with coaching techniques, applying coaching abilities to their existing careers, and developing a practical personal foundation.


  1. Coach U Core Essential Program allows the coaches to gain certification quickly as per their schedule.
  2. Includes 15 courses that are designed to help coaches build every required skill for the life coaching industry.
  3. Allows access to numerous resources, assessments and exam materials.
  4. Provides the coaches with a step-by-step guide on becoming certified life coaches.

Duration: 3-4 Days, i.e., 77 hours

Price: $3,995

Mode of Delivery: Virtual

Pros and Cons

Allows learning at own speed.Lacks business courses.
6 days live intensive program.Separate program for professional essentials. 
ICF accredited.Still need advance certification after completion.
Affordable.Only virtual learning method.

5. Life Purpose Life Coach Certification

This coach certification program is well-known for providing very personal life coaching training.

Life Purpose Life Coach Certification was founded in 1984 by Fern Gorin.

This Life Purpose Institute-based program is focused on training coaches in such a way that they can help clients identify their purpose in life. 


  1. Provides “business in a box” resource to assist aspiring coaches with everything they need for their life coach business start-up.
  2. Curriculums are incorporated with marketing and business training.
  3. Provides multiple user-friendly manuals and checklists.
  4. Alumni Center provides lifetime support in marketing.

Duration: 5 days intensive program and 60 hours of the training program.

Price: $2500 (negotiable)

Mode of Delivery: Virtual for 60 hours program  and In-person for 5 days intensive program

Pros and Cons 

10 persons per online class, hence chaos-free.Need to complete both 60 hours and 5 days programs to get certified.
ICF accredited program.More focus on life purpose than coaching.
Comparatively affordable.Physical 5 days intensive course is only available in San Diego. 
Face-to-face support from certified coaches outside of class. 
Allows learning at own speed. 
Multiple payment options. 

6. Health Coach Institute

Health Coach Institute is a health coach certification program based on 4 main aspects: personal growth, business skills, nutrition, and behavior.

Stacey Morgenstern and Caret Peters founded this program in 2015.

HCI aims to reward all the health and life-conscious aspiring coaches to build a meaningful career that benefits humans and the planet.


  1. HCI helps coaches to specialize in health and wellness education, including knowledge in life coaching and marketing. 
  2. The program’s curriculum focuses on giving science-based answers to today’s typical lifestyle issues.
  3. Coaches are encouraged to understand that our nutrition, activity, and lifestyle all have a role in our happiness.
  4. The uncertified coaches will receive various worksheets, frameworks and practice sessions with their classmates.

Duration:  6 months 

Price: $7,560 and $4,450 if paid upfront

Mode of Delivery: Virtual

Pros and Cons 

Gain both life coach certification and health coach certification.Quite expensive
ICF accredited program.Only virtual learning.
Allows learning at own speed.Payment is expensive if not done upfront.
Capable of becoming a nutrition specialist as well. 
Allows seasonal discounts and bonuses. 

7. Integrative Wellness Academy (IWA)

IWA certification program is designed to advance the coach’s learning and skills to a higher level.

The program was founded in 2010 with the aim to provide powerful tools for life coaches so that they can handle any type of client.

The program is not accredited by ICF as it believes that the coaching industry is constantly evolving with new practices, and accreditation limits the flexibility.


  • Offers mastery of 5 coaching specialties, i.e., career coaching, health coaching, individual development and spiritual coaching.
  • Draw coaches attention to client-coach interactions, company growth, industry certifications, coaching skills and core coaching principles.
  • Allows the aspiring coaches to gain emotional, mental, physical and spiritual fulfillment.
  • The program is science and data-centered, with many holistic notions for a balanced perspective.

Duration:  6 months of the online program with 3 days of online intensive 

Price: $1,200 (introductory course) and $2,499 (master program cost)

Mode of Delivery: Virtual 

Pros and Cons

Allows learning at own speed.Must complete the introductory program before joining the master program.
Provides high-level coaching skills.Not ICF accredited program.
Covers multi-dimensional areas.Limited in a particular geographic area.
Dual enrollment available. 

8. The Coaching and  Positive Psychology Institute (CaPP)

The CaPP institute is one of the best coach certification institutes whose primary focus is to introduce life coaches to various aspects of positive psychology.

Valorie Burton founded the institute in 2009, and since then, it has trained thousands of aspiring life coaches.

CaPP provides research-based, practical coach training programs intended to help coaches excel in their lives and business. 


  • Trains the coaches so that they not only get certified but can help their clients gain a positive mindset, leading them to a happier and fulfilled life.
  • Equips the coaches with practical and applicable skills that bring their dreams to life.
  • It allows the coaches to grow professionally and personally as well.
  • Improves coaches’ goal-setting and resiliency skills.

Duration:  6 months online program with 3 days of online intensive 

Price: $3,495 (6 months program) and $1,495 (3 days intensive)

Mode of Delivery: Virtual

Pros and Cons 

Ability to identify positive solutions.Need to complete 2 programs for certification.
ICF accredited program.Only virtual learning.
Comparatively affordable. 

How to Choose the Right Coach Certification Program

With enhancing coaching market, there are thousands of institutes and websites providing coach certification programs.

But with widening options, how do we narrow down the options to choose the best program out of hundreds.

A few things to consider about while choosing a coach certification program are;

  • First, you’ll want to make sure that the program you choose is certified by the International Coach Federation (ICF). This ensures that you’ll be receiving quality training that meets high standards. 
  • Second, beware of the fake coach certification programs. The coaching market is full of programs that claim to provide certification, but ICF does not recognize them.
  • Third, be sure that the program represents your values. Otherwise, you’ll most likely enroll in a program without doing any study and wind up with haphazard coaching knowledge that is unrelated to your goals.
  • Finally, make sure that the program you choose provides foundational coach training. Having foundational coach training is necessary before you jump into a program with a particular niche. This will ensure that you have the skills and knowledge you need to be a successful coach.

Cost of Life Coach Certification Program

If you’re willing to become a certified life coach, you may be wondering how much it will cost to complete a training program.

While the cost of certification can vary depending on the program you choose, most programs range from $2,500 to $5,000. 

Likewise, some programs may also require you to pay additional fees for books, materials, and exams. 

However, the cost of certification is generally a tiny investment compared to the potential earnings of a successful life coach. 

According to the International Coach Federation, the average salary for a certified life coach is $107,000 per year.

In contrast, a certified life coach program can be pricey for some people. And in such cases, there also are many ways to get certified without spending a lot of money. 

Online certified life coach programs are very affordable and offer great value.

Moreover, you can also find accredited life coach programs that offer payment plans or financial aid. 

Therefore, if you’re passionate about helping others achieve their goals, something such as economic attributes must not come your way. So do some research according to your capacity and requirements before enrolling in a life coach certification program.

Certified as a Life Coach: Now What?

You’ve been certified as a Life Coach. You’re feeling good about your accomplishment, ready to take on the world.

But now what? How do you get started in your new career?

Well, there are a few things you’ll have to do to get started as a certified Life Coach.

The best way to find out what opportunities are available is to network with other certified life coaches and ask their advice.

Additionally, certified life coaches can look for job postings online or in newspapers. 

Finally, certified life coaches can start their own businesses. Create a life coach business plan, make your coaching website with plugins like Wheel of Life and invest in digital marketing. This option may be the most challenging, but it can also be the most rewarding.

 Not to forget, doing so will allow you to reach potential clients and build a network.

And here is the best part. You can now easily create Wheel of Life assessments with online tools like CoachPodium for lead nurturing and selling your coaching services. 


CoachPodium banner image

CoachPodium is an online tool designed to help enhance coaching businesses. It provides tools that enable coaches to generate more leads, create online Wheel of Life assessments, nurture leads, and sell their coaching services. 

CoachPodium is known for its user-friendly interface and exceptional support resources, making it easier for coaches to adopt and utilize its features.

One of the key features of CoachPodium is the Wheel of Life assessment tool. This tool allows coaches to customize and embed the Wheel of Life assessment into their own platforms, revolutionizing their coaching practice.

Now, let me describe in brief how the Wheel of Life assessment helps in the growth of your coaching business. 

With the Wheel of Life assessment, your prospects can rate different areas of their life, such as career, health, relationships, and personal growth. This allows you to identify the areas where your clients need the most support. 

Furthermore, this helps you to tailor your services to the specific needs of each client, making your coaching more effective and relevant.

Here is an example of the wheel you can create using CoachPodium. You can also test it by starting the assessment.


So, you’ve decided that becoming a certified life coach is the next step in your career. It’s an exciting decision and one that can open up many opportunities for growth and enrichment.

But with so many different programs to choose from, how do you know which one is right for you? 

We hope our list of best life coach certification programs helped you narrow down your choices and also provided you with a better idea of what to look for when selecting a life coach certification program. 

Remember to consider your budget, the length of the program, and the type of coaching approach offered.

And most importantly, trust your gut – if something feels off or doesn’t feel like it’s a good fit for you, it probably isn’t.

Finally,  once you’ve chosen a program, it’s essential to know what comes next and plan accordingly. 

If you’re feeling lost or uncertain about your next steps, reach out to your network of certified life coaches for guidance. With a little effort, you’ll be on your way to finding the perfect opportunity for you.

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